Get Involved

1. Volunteer with Us

Thank you for your interest in Being and Becoming! By joining us, you can become a vital part of our mission to provide opportunities for deeper engagement with life’s big questions.

Please take a moment to fill out the form below. We want to learn more about you, your interests, and how you’d like to get involved with us. Your support is greatly appreciated! 

Join Us Form:

2. Consider Donating to our Cause

We are in the very early days of our non-profit journey and are looking for some much-needed momentum. As a result, we have set a crowdfunding goal of $3000 that will help us get off the ground. With the support of our community, we have already been able to register as a non-profit and are now looking to run more ambitious community events. If you believe in our mission, please consider donating via our GoFundMe page: